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Irvine Housing by the Numbers – August 2012 Update

Here is an updated list of the housing numbers for each of Irvine’s neighborhood. Of note, Northpark, Westpark, and Oakcreek had year-over-year decreases in the price per square foot in all but one month this year. Woodbury is also notable for having mostly year-over-year decreases this year. On the other hand, Turtle Rock had year-over-year increases in all but one month this year. Irvine’s other neighborhoods had various combinations of up and down fluctuations in the price per square.

Area List Price/# Homes Listed Sold Price/# Homes Sold List Per SF Sold Per SF % Chg Y-O-Y Sold Price/SF
12-Jul $594K/27 $468K/18 $406 $312 1%
12-Jun $511K/32 $328K/30 $380 $312 -3.40%
12-May $459K/41 $514K/19 $356 $325 5.90%
12-Apr $442K/48 $340K/25 $350 $304 -5.90%
12-Mar $415K/45 $412K/16 $348 $346 11.60%
12-Feb $392K/48 $330K/15 $337 $288 -11.70%
12-Jan $374K/52 $327K/18 $332 $317 -17%
Columbus Grove n/a
El Camino
12-Jul $624K/10 $455K/9 $408 $359 16.6%
12-Jun $579K/24 $504K/13 $392 $327 16%
12-May $555K/19 $435K/19 $365 $280 -17.20%
12-Apr $572K/22 $458K/12 $329 $239 -22.10%
12-Mar $546K/22 $468K/10 $329 $327 3.80%
12-Feb $467K/26 $340K/5 $339 $281 -6.60%
12-Jan $462K/28 $389K/6 $322 $267 -28.40%
12-Jul $844K/48 $540K/31 $348 $289 -10%
12-Jun $774K/50 $460K/35 $351 $297 1.40%
12-May $700K/59 $438K/35 $329 $278 -7.3%
12-Apr $649K/51 $390K/29 $339 $283 -10.04
12-Mar $674K/50 $465K/36 $341 $281 -8.80%
12-Feb $459K/74 $415K/13 $301 $280 -9.40%
12-Jan $465K/91 $412K/19 $290 $277 -20.90%
12-Jul $727K/52 $650K/22 $323 $340 9%
12-Jun $692K/62 $525K/27 $316 $295 -8.10%
12-May $697K/52 $584K/32 $314 $267 -13%
12-Apr $599K/59 $579K/30 $312 $310 5.10%
12-Mar $519K/61 $518K/20 $316 $301 -1.60%
12-Feb $504K/66 $292K/13 $300 $287 -7.10%
12-Jan $489K/78 $518K/17 $286 $292 -7.60%
Oak Creek
12-Jul $576K/12 $338K/12 $330 $288 -10.60%
12-Jun $720K/19 $216K/10 $330 $216 -21.10%
12-May $579K/17 $240K/8 $333 $281 -1.7%
12-Apr $530K/19 $628K/14 $303 $315 5.90%
12-Mar $425K/27 $284K/14 $309 $292 -1.40%
12-Feb $487K/26 $267K/13 $317 $267 -15.80%
12-Jan $350K/33 $249K/9 $308 $261 -20.40%
Orange Tree
12-Jul $257K/2 $279K/4 $311 $265 -23%
12-Jun $250K/3 $181K/6 $307 $251 -10%
12-May $280K/3 $145K/2 $307 $261 6.1%
12-Apr $278K/6 $165K/1 $256 $203 -31.90%
12-Mar $245K/9 $189K/6 $253 $279 4.10%
12-Feb $242K/6 $200K/6 $249 $230 -33.50%
12-Jan $216K/12 $205K/5 $252 $249 -13.50%
Portola Springs
12-Jul $639K/33 $631K/12 $325 $317 1%
12-Jun $622K/31 $724K/8 $321 $308 -4%
12-May $660K/23 $582K/13 $335 $284 -4.10%
12-Apr $693K/30 $596K/11 $330 $299 -11%
12-Mar $639K/25 $950K/5 $325 $320 11.90%
12-Feb $641K/31 $510K/1 $317 $249 -12%
12-Jan $623K/43 $570K/7 $321 $293 1.40%
Quail Hill
12-Jul $625K/13 $885K/8 $361 $389 21.60%
12-Jun $647K/14 $586K/12 $373 $375 8.1%
12-May $714K/18 $465K/13 $376 $347 -13.00%
12-Apr $749K/17 $863K/6 $373 $374 7.50%
12-Mar $500K/21 $505K/9 $360 $317 -3.10%
12-Feb $515K/21 $470k/6 $364 $307 -10.80%
12-Jan $560K/20 $512K/8 $324 $326 -13.30%
Rancho San Joaquin
12-Jul $509K/3 $433K/2 $320 $269 -6.30%
12-Jun n/a
12-May $475K/5 $410K/2 $313 $306 -2%
12-Apr n/a
12-Mar $465K/5 $500K/2 $246 $296 n/a
12-Feb $492K/6 $360K/1 $297 $336 n/a
12-Jan n/a
Shady Canyon
12-Jul $6,000K/27 $4,555K/3 $760 $586 15.40%
12-Jun $5,998K/26 $3,700K/3 $761 $552 -10%
12-May $6,000K/25 $4,019K/6 $705 $673 30.70%
12-Apr $5,995K/23 $4,875K/4 $720 $512 -6.10%
12-Mar $5,980K/21 $4,436K/4 $720 $657 28.80%
12-Feb $5,995K/23 $3,200K/3 $725 $603 7.50%
12-Jan $5,980K/23 $2,670K/5 $720 $534 24.20%
Turtle Ridge
12-Jul $1,848K/25 $1,440K/12 $571 $510 14.90%
12-Jun $1,875K/27 $1,360K/11 $570 $467 4.70%
12-May $1,749K/31 $1,044K/8 $545 $459 0.101
12-Apr $1,724K/28 na/8 $533 $421 5.20%
12-Mar $1,899K/28 $1,500K/7 $550 $485 -8.30%
12-Feb $1,899K/27 $955K/4 $527 $441 18.90%
12-Jan $1,672K/32 $532K/4 $493 $355 -25.30%
Turtle Rock
12-Jul $837K/32 $975K/10 $421 $451 19.30%
12-Jun $865K/37 $915K/20 $457 $446 3.20%
12-May $939K/37 $730K/9 $454 $410 3.30%
12-Apr $986K/43 $1,050K/5 $457 $461 10.30%
12-Mar $967K/40 $690K/11 $448 $381 17.60%
12-Feb $1,024K/38 $1,422K/4 $457 $559 14.30%
12-Jan $974K/40 $545K/8 $458 $295 -14.20%
University Park
12-Jul $699K/7 $560K/5 $331 $312 -9%
12-Jun $599K/12 $540K/10 $345 $333 6.40%
12-May $602K/12 $539K/8 $346 $291 6.20%
12-Apr $609K/11 $538K/7 $352 $272 -15%
12-Mar $552K/14 $431K/6 $288 $305 -5.60%
12-Feb $578K/14 $555K/4 $297 $286 9.60%
12-Jan $595K/14 $420K/7 $289 $281 -10.80%
University Town Center
12-Jul $435K/10 $430K/6 $368 $316 -10%
12-Jun $440K/7 $295K/2 $384 $322 17.10%
12-May $440K/5 $450K/5 $371 $311 6.90%
12-Apr $340K/3 $375K/5 $338 $326 6.90%
12-Mar $455K/7 $478K/4 $298 $321 1.90%
12-Feb $347K/6 $384K/1 $342 $265 -19.50%
12-Jan $467K/10 $480K/1 $330 $315 n/a
12-Jul $626K/14 $528K/1 $330 $321 -4.20%
12-Jun $659K/5 $540K/5 $307 $280 -9.40%
12-May $628K/5 $595K/5 $309 $314 14.6%
12-Apr $532K/3 $580K/5 $313 $306 -1%
12-Mar $619K/5 $635K/3 $327 $300 3.40%
12-Feb $600K/5 $509K/3 $316 $310 -9.40%
12-Jan $600K/11 $596K/4 $298 $259 -12.80%
West Irvine n/a
12-Jul $615K/11 $480K/3 $329 $291 -20.30%
12-Jun $823K/13 $670K/4 $360 $318 -10.40%
12-May $628K/5 $595K/5 $309 $314 14.60%
12-Apr $624K/14 $651K/8 $360 $304 -10.30%
12-Mar $565K/17 $615K/10 $319 $331 -2.50%
12-Feb $649K/21 $506K/6 $319 $361 21.50%
12-Jan $552K/20 $695K/2 $331 $356 -11.20%
12-Jul $625K/37 $500K/33 $350 $318 3.20%
12-Jun $570K/39 $508K/36 $357 $340 8.60%
12-May $586K/50 $430K/25 $350 $307 -6.40%
12-Apr $554K/68 $422K/29 $347 $289 -8%
12-Mar $494K/68 $345K/31 $339 $283 -9.30%
12-Feb $459K/83 $399K/23 $328 $312 -4.90%
12-Jan $435K/93 $402K/15 $317 $273 -6.20%
12-Jul $845K/25 $452K/9 $353 $295 3.50%
12-Jun $823K/30 $470K/15 $359 $316 -5.40%
12-May $872K/24 $650K/11 $363 $310 -3.40%
12-Apr $784K/30 $475K/14 $357 $291 -9.30%
12-Mar $680K/35 $678K/21 $334 $289 0%
12-Feb $650K/33 $419K/8 $330 $298 -4.70%
12-Jan $611K/44 $460K/8 $314 $292 -16.80%

Closed Sales from 8/2/2012 to 8/8/2012

Date Sold Address Zip Tract Sold Price Beds Sq Ft
Airport Area
8/3/12 3421 Watermarke 92612 Watermarke $400,000 2 1250
8/6/12 3131 Michelson Dr 1405 92612 Marquee at Park Place $399,000 2 1347
8/7/12 3365 Watermarke Pl 92612 Watermarke $431,000 2 1482
El Camino Real
8/3/12 5062 Dutcher Ave 92604 El Camino Glen $490,000 3 1620
8/2/12 42 Idyllwild 55 92602 Monticello $420,000 2 1500
8/2/12 7 Malibu 92602 Brentwood $1,098,800 4 3029
8/3/12 1002 Terra Bella 92602 Terra Bella $435,000 3 1614
8/8/12 8 Evensen 18 92602 Bella Rosa $560,000 3 1858
8/7/12 294 Monroe 107 92620 Timberline $419,500 3 1360
8/7/12 44 Monticello 92620 Peppermill Run $778,000 3 2405
8/7/12 1 Shelby 92620 Courtside $635,000 3 1841
8/7/12 31 Lindberg 92620 Shady Hollow $483,000 2 1471
8/8/12 13742 Onkayha Cir 92620 Racquet Club $649,800 5 2600
8/8/12 13 Whitney 92620 0 $635,000 3 2100
Oak Creek
8/3/12 3406 Orangewood 92618 Oak Park $340,000 2 1031
8/3/12 104 Danbury Ln 92618 Cobblestone $530,000 3 1500
8/8/12 27 Sonata St 92618 Aldea $535,000 3 1550
Portola Springs
8/2/12 39 Silverado 92618 San Carlos COURT $345,000 1 1220
8/6/12 54 Land Grant 92618 Other $695,000 3 2044
8/8/12 48 Cactus Bloom 92618 Primrose $601,603 3 1873
Quail Hill
8/2/12 135 Stepping Stone 92603 Casalon $530,000 3 1749
8/8/12 76 Duet 92603 Sage $449,000 2 1145
Stonegate East
8/7/12 25 Wheatberry 92618 Los Altos $535,000 3 1708
Turtle Ridge
8/6/12 27 Climbing Vine 92603 Fiore $1,650,000 5 3300
Turtle Rock
8/3/12 18762 Via San Marco 92603 Hills President $1,000,000 4 1925
8/3/12 54 Golden Eagle 92603 Shady Canyon Custom $5,300,000 6 6700
8/3/12 21 Vernal 92603 Sycamore $2,800,000 6 5227
8/6/12 37 ROCKY KNOLL 92612 Vista (Turtle Rock) $740,000 4 2417
8/7/12 19431 SIERRA RATON 92603 Broadmoor $1,182,000 5 2650
8/7/12 5 Sunshine 37 92603 Ridge Townhomes Bren $490,000 2 1412
University Park
8/6/12 4555 Green Tree Ln 92612 Village III (Village Park) $462,000 3 1215
West Irvine
8/7/12 58 Copper Leaf 92602 Glen Willows $616,000 3 1700
8/6/12 12 Avanzare 92606 Trovata $630,000 3 1890
8/2/12 96 GREENMOOR 92614 Stonegate $325,000 2 1142
8/3/12 8 Lakeside 34 92604 Crossing $412,500 2 1477
8/7/12 6 Windsong 92614 Willow Creek (WB) $475,000 2 1241
8/7/12 97 SUMMERSTONE 92614 Summerfield $705,000 4 1900
8/7/12 22 Tanglewood Dr 92604 Park Homes $585,000 3 1850
8/2/12 220 Vintage 92620 Rosemoor $980,000 5 2850

Discuss below or on Talk Irvine.

Irvine’s Total Real Estate Value is the Highest of all O.C. Cities

According to an article in The Orange County Register, Irvine has a higher total assessed real estate value (this includes commercial and residential) than any other O.C. city. Newport Beach and Anaheim follow right behind with $40.2 billion and $35.9 billion, respectively.

However, when it comes to the city with the biggest gain in total assessed value over the previous year, a different story exists. With a year-over-year increase of 4.8%, Huntington Beach gets the top spot. And with a year-over-year gain of 3.6%, Newport Beach also surpasses Irvine in this category.

Orange County had a 2.1% year-over-year increase in combined assessed property value. And 33 of Orange County’s 34 cities had gains in taxable value. But it’s not all good news: “[T]he market continued to be a mixed bag last year, with more real estate parcels having value drops last year than increases, the assessor’s office said.” Of the 340,000 real estate parcel appraised by the assessor’s office, 101,000 had reduced taxable values, and 82,000 had increased values. New construction and property sales at increased prices are the reasons that the assessor sees as the root of increased property taxes.

Irvine has had increased construction. And when it comes to residential real estate, Redfin stats show that the overall median selling price of Irvine homes in June 2012 is down 7.8% from the previous year. But Irvine’s median sold price per square foot for the same period is up 1.2%. However, the assessor’s numbers are comparing 2011 numbers to 2010 numbers. Redfin’s numbers are comparing 2012 numbers to 2011 numbers.

So what do you think? Is Orange County limping along to an improved economy? And when it comes to the highest total assessed property values, what are the factors that give Irvine the top spot over cities like Newport Beach and Anaheim? And the last question: What factors are contributing to Huntington Beach and Anaheim’s higher percentage gains?


Here is more food for thought to consider when deciding what is going on with our economy: On a Marketplace report, Nigel Gault, chief U.S. economist at IHS Global Insight, stated that we are now back to making the same amount of goods that we made before the recession. However, 5 million less American’s are making that stuff. The reason given was an increase in productivity technology.

But a counter reason was also given. Gary Burtless of the Brookings Institute stated that we were overbuilding in our recent past, and these construction jobs are not coming back. “At the moment, our shortfall is not a technology-driven, productivity-driven phenomenon. It is a shortfall in the demand for what American workers can produce.” If either of these is true, where will the new jobs come from?

Closed Sales from 7/26/2012 to 8/1/2012

Date Sold Address Zip Tract Sold Price Beds Sq Ft
Airport Area
7/26/12 21 Gramercy 92612 Belvedere $594,000 2 1775
8/1/12 2253 Martin 113 92612 Metropolitan $360,000 2 1297
8/1/12 2305 Scholarship 92612 Avenue One $326,700 2 1037
El Camino Real
7/26/12 4 Butterfield 2 92604 Deerfield Townhomes $390,000 3 1250
7/30/12 4796 Winvale Ave 92604 El Camino Glen $635,000 4 2272
7/31/12 15332 Montpellier Ave 92604 Custom $1,100,000 5 3700
8/1/12 27 Snowberry 92604 Deerfield Townhomes $335,900 2 1150
7/27/12 1 Olinda 92602 Sonoma $848,000 4 2268
7/31/12 15 Montelena 92602 Tiburon $545,000 3 1601
7/31/12 16 Ellistone 43 92602 Vintners Reserve $600,000 3 1950
8/1/12 170 Hayward 92602 unknown $420,000 3 1588
7/26/12 803 yorkshire 92620 Greystone Villas $425,000 2 1260
7/26/12 6 Mccormick 92620 other $645,000 4 2077
7/27/12 46 Secret Gdn 92620 Camellia $837,000 4 2315
7/30/12 15 Urbino 92620 Windstream $830,000 4 3268
7/30/12 4132 Williwaw Dr 92620 Racquet Club $600,000 4 2472
Oak Creek
7/30/12 7 Henna 92618 Kenwood $952,000 5 3200
7/27/12 84 Orange Blossom 92618 Lake Condos $234,900 2 928
7/27/12 221 Tarocco 92618 Orchard Glen OT $275,000 2 1000
Portola Springs
7/26/12 48 Cactus Bloom 92618 Primrose $586,990 3 1873
Quail Hill
7/27/12 43 Windchime 92603 Sage $585,000 4 1500
7/30/12 36 Windchime 92603 Sage $390,000 2 1031
8/1/12 111 Lattice 92603 Olivos $1,039,000 4 2310
Turtle Ridge
7/26/12 127 DANBROOK 92603 Ashton Green $425,000 2 1400
Turtle Rock
7/26/12 8 El Paseo 92612 Pointe – Turtle Rock $785,000 3 2104
7/30/12 19 Centaurus 92603 Crest – Akins $980,000 3 2630
7/30/12 29 Charity 92612 Concordia $1,300,000 4 2910
7/30/12 18711 Paseo Cortez 92603 Campus View $656,000 3 1419
7/31/12 38 Vernal Spg 92603 Sycamore $2,675,000 4 4820
7/28/12 3762 Blackthorn St 92606 College Park $528,500 4 1640
West Irvine
7/27/12 31 Halifax Pl 92602 Liberty $565,000 4 1755
7/30/12 57 Ardmore 92602 Sheridan Place $550,000 3 1900
7/30/12 31 Ardmore 92602 Sheridan Place $517,500 3 1650
8/1/12 17 National Pl 92602 Traditions $819,000 5 2830
7/26/12 1305 Solvay Aisle 92606 Brio $265,000 1 785
7/27/12 36 Claret 35 92614 Chateaux $310,000 2 1146
7/27/12 15 Waterside 92614 Landing I $945,000 4 2366
7/27/12 69 Lakeview 6 92604 Arborlake $600,000 3 2042
7/27/12 135 Rockwood 5 92614 Somerset $340,000 2 1098
7/27/12 7 Ironwood 92604 Creekside $745,000 4 2044
7/27/12 366 E Yale Loop 12 92614 Garden Estates $510,000 3 2100
7/27/12 34 Silkberry 92614 Briarglen $712,500 4 1900
7/30/12 52 Summerfield 92614 Seasons $499,000 3 1471
7/31/12 30 E Yale Loop 21 92604 Estates $500,000 3 1886
7/31/12 5 Woodgrove 10 92604 Grove $625,000 3 1840
7/31/12 41 Spinnaker 92614 Seaport $479,988 2 1087
8/1/12 643 Springbrook 20 92614 Laurels $388,000 2 1171
8/1/12 6 Cedarspring 92604 Gables $774,000 4 2314
7/26/12 118 Chantilly 92620 Garland Park $455,000 3 1737
7/26/12 127 Chantilly 92620 Garland Park $410,000 2 1367
7/27/12 35 Regal 92620 Lombard Court $274,000 1 1135
Woodbury East
7/27/12 20 Strata 92618 Ivy $480,000 3 1500

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A Closer Look at Irvine's Portola Springs Housing Market

Today we’ll take a look at Irvine’s Portola Springs neighborhood. First, the numbers:

Portola Springs—June 2012:


List Price/

# Homes


Sold Price/ #Homes Sold

Median List/ SF

Median Sold/ SF

% Chg Y-O-Y Sold Price/SF













All Portola Springs






All Irvine






The following graphs show the change in the number of Portola Springs homes on the market, the price per square foot of Portola Springs houses, and the price per square foot of Portola Springs condos, respectively.

To give more meaning to these numbers and graphs, I am listing some homes that are near the bottom, top, and middle of the price range for homes in the Portola Springs real estate market.

36 Cienega

  • Condo built in 2008
  • Beds/Baths: 1/1.5
  • HOA Dues: $305/month
  • Mello Roos Tax: Yes
  • Price: $324,888/$289 per square foot

The Zestimate for this home is $295,735. The Zestimate estimated mortgage is $1,081 per month.

36 Prairie

  • Single-family built in 2007
  • Beds/Baths: 3/3.5
  • HOA Dues: $139/month
  • Mello Roos Tax: Yes
  • Price: $1,559,000/$436 per square foot

The Zestimate for this home is $1,294,245. The Zestimate estimated mortgage is $5,624 per month.

170 Pathway

  • Single-family built in 2012
  • Beds/Baths: 4/2.75
  • HOA Dues: $259/month
  • Mello Roos Tax: Yes
  • Price: $625,920/$304 per square foot

The Zestimate for this home is $581,058. The Zestimate estimated mortgage is $2,158 per month.

Source: Redfin

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