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Irvine by the Numbers – September 2012 Update

Here is an updated list of the housing numbers for each of Irvine’s neighborhood. As they did last month, Northpark and Westpark had year-over-year decreases in the price per square foot in all but one month this year. However, Oakcreek had an increase in the price per square foot in August (Last month Oakcreek was similar to Northpark and Westpark in that it had year-over-year decreases in all but one month this year.). Woodbury is still notable for having mostly year-over-year decreases this year. Turtle Rock still has year-over-year increases in all but one month this year. Irvine’s other neighborhoods have various combinations of up and down fluctuations in the price per square.

Area List Price/# Homes Listed Sold Price/# Homes Sold List Per SF Sold Per SF % Chg Y-O-Y Sold Price/SF
12-Aug $520K/23 $431K/23 $382 $328 13.50%
12-Jul $594K/27 $468K/18 $406 $312 1%
12-Jun $511K/32 $328K/30 $380 $312 -3.40%
12-May $459K/41 $514K/19 $356 $325 5.90%
12-Apr $442K/48 $340K/25 $350 $304 -5.90%
12-Mar $415K/45 $412K/16 $348 $346 11.60%
12-Feb $392K/48 $330K/15 $337 $288 -11.70%
12-Jan $374K/52 $327K/18 $332 $317 -17%
Columbus Grove n/a
El Camino
12-Aug $600K/21 $490/21 $359 $334 -7%
12-Jul $624K/10 $455K/9 $408 $359 16.6%
12-Jun $579K/24 $504K/13 $392 $327 16%
12-May $555K/19 $435K/19 $365 $280 -17.20%
12-Apr $572K/22 $458K/12 $329 $239 -22.10%
12-Mar $546K/22 $468K/10 $329 $327 3.80%
12-Feb $467K/26 $340K/5 $339 $281 -6.60%
12-Jan $462K/28 $389K/6 $322 $267 -28.40%
12-Aug $809K/48 $488K/40 $333 $289 -2.70%
12-Jul $844K/48 $540K/31 $348 $289 -10%
12-Jun $774K/50 $460K/35 $351 $297 1.40%
12-May $700K/59 $438K/35 $329 $278 -7.3%
12-Apr $649K/51 $390K/29 $339 $283 -10.04
12-Mar $674K/50 $465K/36 $341 $281 -8.80%
12-Feb $459K/74 $415K/13 $301 $280 -9.40%
12-Jan $465K/91 $412K/19 $290 $277 -20.90%
12-Aug $735K/51 $612K/38 $322 $317 7.10%
12-Jul $727K/52 $650K/22 $323 $340 9%
12-Jun $692K/62 $525K/27 $316 $295 -8.10%
12-May $697K/52 $584K/32 $314 $267 -13%
12-Apr $599K/59 $579K/30 $312 $310 5.10%
12-Mar $519K/61 $518K/20 $316 $301 -1.60%
12-Feb $504K/66 $292K/13 $300 $287 -7.10%
12-Jan $489K/78 $518K/17 $286 $292 -7.60%
Oak Creek
12-Aug $644K/16 $433K/16 $328 $327 -3.50%
12-Jul $576K/12 $338K/12 $330 $288 -10.60%
12-Jun $720K/19 $216K/10 $330 $216 -21.10%
12-May $579K/17 $240K/8 $333 $281 -1.7%
12-Apr $530K/19 $628K/14 $303 $315 5.90%
12-Mar $425K/27 $284K/14 $309 $292 -1.40%
12-Feb $487K/26 $267K/13 $317 $267 -15.80%
12-Jan $350K/33 $249K/9 $308 $261 -20.40%
Orange Tree
12-Aug $320K/3 $184K/2 $289 $214 -41.50%
12-Jul $257K/2 $279K/4 $311 $265 -23%
12-Jun $250K/3 $181K/6 $307 $251 -10%
12-May $280K/3 $145K/2 $307 $261 6.1%
12-Apr $278K/6 $165K/1 $256 $203 -31.90%
12-Mar $245K/9 $189K/6 $253 $279 4.10%
12-Feb $242K/6 $200K/6 $249 $230 -33.50%
12-Jan $216K/12 $205K/5 $252 $249 -13.50%
Portola Springs
12-Aug $640K/26 $571K/11 $324 $283 -5.40%
12-Jul $639K/33 $631K/12 $325 $317 1%
12-Jun $622K/31 $724K/8 $321 $308 -4%
12-May $660K/23 $582K/13 $335 $284 -4.10%
12-Apr $693K/30 $596K/11 $330 $299 -11%
12-Mar $639K/25 $950K/5 $325 $320 11.90%
12-Feb $641K/31 $510K/1 $317 $249 -12%
12-Jan $623K/43 $570K/7 $321 $293 1.40%
Quail Hill
12-Aug $630K/15 $600K/12 $392 $392 11.40%
12-Jul $625K/13 $885K/8 $361 $389 21.60%
12-Jun $647K/14 $586K/12 $373 $375 8.1%
12-May $714K/18 $465K/13 $376 $347 -13.00%
12-Apr $749K/17 $863K/6 $373 $374 7.50%
12-Mar $500K/21 $505K/9 $360 $317 -3.10%
12-Feb $515K/21 $470k/6 $364 $307 -10.80%
12-Jan $560K/20 $512K/8 $324 $326 -13.30%
Rancho San Joaquin
12-Aug $449K/4 $460K/3 $339 $307 -9.70%
12-Jul $509K/3 $433K/2 $320 $269 -6.30%
12-Jun n/a
12-May $475K/5 $410K/2 $313 $306 -2%
12-Apr n/a
12-Mar $465K/5 $500K/2 $246 $296 n/a
12-Feb $492K/6 $360K/1 $297 $336 n/a
12-Jan n/a
Shady Canyon
12-Aug $6,922K/26 $3,124K/4 $770 $561 -3.90%
12-Jul $6,000K/27 $4,555K/3 $760 $586 15.40%
12-Jun $5,998K/26 $3,700K/3 $761 $552 -10%
12-May $6,000K/25 $4,019K/6 $705 $673 30.70%
12-Apr $5,995K/23 $4,875K/4 $720 $512 -6.10%
12-Mar $5,980K/21 $4,436K/4 $720 $657 28.80%
12-Feb $5,995K/23 $3,200K/3 $725 $603 7.50%
12-Jan $5,980K/23 $2,670K/5 $720 $534 24.20%
Turtle Ridge
12-Aug $1,825K/21 $1,950K/9 $567 $504 22%
12-Jul $1,848K/25 $1,440K/12 $571 $510 14.90%
12-Jun $1,875K/27 $1,360K/11 $570 $467 4.70%
12-May $1,749K/31 $1,044K/8 $545 $459 0.10%
12-Apr $1,724K/28 na/8 $533 $421 5.20%
12-Mar $1,899K/28 $1,500K/7 $550 $485 -8.30%
12-Feb $1,899K/27 $955K/4 $527 $441 18.90%
12-Jan $1,672K/32 $532K/4 $493 $355 -25.30%
Turtle Rock
12-Aug $825K/27 $932K/14 $399 $465 14.80%
12-Jul $837K/32 $975K/10 $421 $451 19.30%
12-Jun $865K/37 $915K/20 $457 $446 3.20%
12-May $939K/37 $730K/9 $454 $410 3.30%
12-Apr $986K/43 $1,050K/5 $457 $461 10.30%
12-Mar $967K/40 $690K/11 $448 $381 17.60%
12-Feb $1,024K/38 $1,422K/4 $457 $559 14.30%
12-Jan $974K/40 $545K/8 $458 $295 -14.20%
University Park
12-Aug $631K/8 $520K/12 $359 $333 6.10%
12-Jul $699K/7 $560K/5 $331 $312 -9%
12-Jun $599K/12 $540K/10 $345 $333 6.40%
12-May $602K/12 $539K/8 $346 $291 6.20%
12-Apr $609K/11 $538K/7 $352 $272 -15%
12-Mar $552K/14 $431K/6 $288 $305 -5.60%
12-Feb $578K/14 $555K/4 $297 $286 9.60%
12-Jan $595K/14 $420K/7 $289 $281 -10.80%
University Town Center
12-Aug $355K/3 $411K/4 $399 $333 9.90%
12-Jul $435K/10 $430K/6 $368 $316 -10%
12-Jun $440K/7 $295K/2 $384 $322 17.10%
12-May $440K/5 $450K/5 $371 $311 6.90%
12-Apr $340K/3 $375K/5 $338 $326 6.90%
12-Mar $455K/7 $478K/4 $298 $321 1.90%
12-Feb $347K/6 $384K/1 $342 $265 -19.50%
12-Jan $467K/10 $480K/1 $330 $315 n/a
12-Aug $630K/8 $575K/4 $330 $303 -1.30%
12-Jul $626K/14 $528K/1 $330 $321 -4.20%
12-Jun $659K/5 $540K/5 $307 $280 -9.40%
12-May $628K/5 $595K/5 $309 $314 14.6%
12-Apr $532K/3 $580K/5 $313 $306 -1%
12-Mar $619K/5 $635K/3 $327 $300 3.40%
12-Feb $600K/5 $509K/3 $316 $310 -9.40%
12-Jan $600K/11 $596K/4 $298 $259 -12.80%
West Irvine n/a
12-Aug $558K/12 $740K/5 $357 $345 6.20%
12-Jul $615K/11 $480K/3 $329 $291 -20.30%
12-Jun $823K/13 $670K/4 $360 $318 -10.40%

Closed Sales from 9/6/2012 to 9/12/2012

Date Sold Address Zip Tract Sold Price Beds Sq Ft
Columbus Grove
9/8/12 428 Silk Tree 92606 Savannah Neighbor Village $360,000 2 1056
El Camino Real
9/7/12 4302 Vale St 92604 Greentree $530,000 3 1448
9/10/12 8 Swallowtail 92604 Irvine Groves $475,000 4 1897
9/7/12 15 Stonegate 92602 Rutherford $825,000 3 2000
9/7/12 1402 Terra Bella 92602 Terra Bella $441,000 3 1614
9/11/12 58 Burlingame 92602 Brisbane $455,000 2 1475
9/12/12 23 Vacaville 92602 Mendocino $830,000 3 2300
9/12/12 18 Sunnyvale 92602 Saratoga $980,000 4 2800
9/6/12 103 Streamwood 92620 Irvine Springs $224,900 2 808
9/7/12 21 New Dawn 92620 RoseGate $1,225,000 4 3350
9/7/12 9 Longstreet 92620 Shadow Run $668,000 4 1900
9/10/12 22 Shadowplay 92620 Other $505,000 3 1562
9/12/12 11 Urbino 92620 Windstream $888,000 4 2494
Oak Creek
9/6/12 7 Kelsey 92618 Kelsey Lane $749,000 4 2100
9/7/12 1302 Elk Grove 92618 Oak Park $272,000 1 900
9/10/12 2601 Cherrywood 92618 Oak Park $400,000 3 1375
Portola Springs
9/11/12 51 Bell Chime 92618 Decada $525,000 3 1437
Quail Hill
9/11/12 243 Terra Cotta 92603 Soltice $745,000 3 2100
Turtle Ridge
9/6/12 56 Shady Ln 92603 Bontanica $1,408,000 4 2778
9/7/12 33 Shady Ln 92603 Ledges $1,500,000 4 3400
9/10/12 23 Trumpet Vine 92603 Bontanica $2,600,000 5 4180
9/11/12 213 Danbrook 92603 Ashton Green $457,000 2 1330
Turtle Rock
9/7/12 32 Golden Eagle 92603 Custom $4,030,000 4 5700
University Park
9/6/12 16 Norton St 92612 Chancellor $685,000 5 2300
9/6/12 9 Angell St 92612 Chancellor $780,000 5 2800
9/7/12 1 Lassen 92612 Park Crest $515,000 2 1540
9/10/12 118 Sequoia Tree Ln 92612 Garden Homes $535,000 3 1708
9/10/12 21 Georgia 92606 Revere $694,000 5 2280
West Irvine
9/7/12 165 Church Pl 92602 Liberty $621,000 4 1755
9/7/12 104 Costero Aisle 290 92614 Tiempo $292,000 2 1002
9/7/12 9 Cedarlake 92614 Lakeside $590,000 3 2038
9/7/12 86 Greenmoor 43 92614 Stonegate $430,000 3 1368
9/11/12 21 Summerfield 71 92614 Seasons $515,000 3 1471
9/7/12 168 Vintage 92620 Cachette $655,000 4 2000
9/12/12 89 Canal 92620 Cortile $465,000 2 1145

Discuss on Talk Irvine:,3100.0.html

New Features in the Works for the Orange County Great Park

“In addition to expanding the Great Park’s current footprint by 15 percent, the construction of the South Lawn will generate more than 50 full-time equivalent construction jobs for the Orange County economy.

‘The Great Park is proud to move forward with latest phase of the Park, but also proud to contribute to the local economy,’ said Mike Ellzey, Chief Executive Officer, Orange County Great Park Corporation. ‘The development will substantially increase our active space at the Great Park and create badly-needed construction jobs, which will have an important positive economic impact in Orange County.’”—Orange County Great Park

In June, the Orange County Great Park announced the plans for the next building phase at the park. Allocated for this phase of development is $22.8 million of the $200 million in developer fees paid by Lennar in 2005. Beginning construction for this stage of the project was scheduled for July and is expected to take 12 to 18 months.

Here is a breakdown of the planned expansion features.

South Lawn

  • Four tournament-quality soccer fields (two will be synthetic grass and lighted for evening use)
  • Four full-size basketball courts
  • A new restroom and operations facility building
  • Jogging and exercise trail
  • More than 400 tree plantings

Replace the Temporary Visitors Center with a Permanent Visitors Center Pavilion

  • New 5,000-square-foot Visitors Center Pavilion (This will be the Great Park’s first new permanent building and will be located near the Great Park Balloon.)
  • A larger lobby
  • Restroom facilities
  • Concession area
  • Exhibition areas
  • Office space

Walkable Historical Timeline (currently includes a 750-foot walk through history)

  • Timeline expanded to 2,604 feet
  • An additional 100 historical details
  • Timeline will act as a natural connection between the existing Great Park Balloon and the South Lawn.

Water features

  • Six new ponds (the first Great Park water features)
  • A connection from one of the ponds to the Walkable Historical Timeline
  • A viewing pier near the entrance to the Great Park

Community Garden (adjacent to the existing Farm + Food Lab)

  • Ninety-nine plots including six Americans with Disability Act-compliant plots
  • A community gathering area (consists of an open turf area with a large shade tree and picnic tables)

Storm Water Collection System: (state-of-the-art storm water management system designed to offset up to 40 percent of the South Lawn’s irrigation needs)

  • Storm water captured, filtered, and stored in the new South Lawn ponds
  • Storm water mixed with reclaimed water from the Irvine Ranch Water District

Infrastructure: (These construction features will enable future Great Park development.)

  • Underground utilities
  • Electrical equipment and lighting
  • Drainage improvements, irrigation systems
  • Asphalt and concrete
  • Fencing and landscaping
  • The foundational backbone for the future electronic security system

Discuss on Talk Irvine:,3091.0.html

Closed Sales from 8/30/2012 to 9/5/2012

Date Sold Address Zip Tract Sold Price Beds Sq Ft
Airport Area
8/30/12 2446 Scholarship 92612 Avenue One $310,000 2 850
8/31/12 1152 Scholarship 92612 Avenue One $340,000 2 1037
8/31/12 3131 Michelson Dr 1405 92612 Marquee at Park Place $725,000 2 1347
El Camino Real
8/30/12 5132 Greencap Ave 92604 El Camino Glen $532,000 3 1482
8/30/12 15425 Eiffel Cir 92604 Ranch $690,000 4 2011
8/31/12 7 Elfin 92604 Irvine Groves $475,000 4 1897
9/4/12 24 Snapdragon 14 92604 Deerfield Townhomes $375,000 3 1561
9/5/12 110 Kazan St 1 92604 Walnut Square $285,000 2 1046
8/31/12 33 Monrovia 92602 Miramar $1,130,000 5 3100
8/30/12 33 Lee 92620 Greenfield $686,400 3 2211
8/30/12 60 Essex Ln 92620 Carlyle at Lanes End $630,000 3 1900
8/30/12 9 CANYON SAGE 92620 Tremaine $801,000 4 2158
8/31/12 30 BAMBOO 92620 Camellia $820,000 4 2315
8/31/12 6 Monticello 92620 Camden Corners $645,000 4 2520
8/31/12 14 Pleasonton 92620 Fieldstone Classics $495,000 3 1350
8/31/12 935 Somerville 92620 Greystone Villas $427,000 2 1300
9/3/12 24 Ericson Aisle 92620 Northwood Villas $365,000 2 1279
Oak Creek
8/30/12 42 Daisy 92618 Montilla $466,000 3 1525
8/30/12 63 Wellington 92618 Kelsey Lane $727,500 4 2100
8/31/12 186 Tangelo 414 92618 Lake Condos $160,000 1 662
Portola Springs
9/5/12 54 Gray Dove 92618 Las Colinas $986,000 4 2741
Stonegate East
8/31/12 1001 Elmhurst 92618 Capistrano $400,000 3 1360
Turtle Ridge
8/30/12 47 Shady Ln 92603 Bontanica $2,200,000 6 4071
8/31/12 23 Gardenpath 92603 Arborel $860,000 3 1665
9/2/12 37 Woods Trl 92603 Arezzo $2,250,000 4 3480
9/4/12 29 VILLAGE WAY 92603 Amberhill $2,351,000 5 4333
Turtle Rock
8/30/12 20 Vernal Spg 92603 Sycamore $2,400,000 3 4097
8/31/12 4 Flintridge 92603 Highlands Lusk $1,430,000 5 3142
9/5/12 12 La Quinta 92612 Pointe – Turtle Rock $740,000 3 2104
University Park
8/30/12 71 Oak Tree Ln 92612 Park II (In Village Park) $540,000 2 1500
9/4/12 5 Holly St 92612 Parkside – Deane $687,000 3 2456
University Town Center
8/30/12 35 Lehigh Aisle 92612 Oxford Court $488,000 2 1682
9/4/12 96 Stanford Ct 48 92612 Princeton Townhomes $425,000 2 1200
9/4/12 75 Exeter 33 92612 Columbia Square $428,000 2 1344
8/31/12 14221 Wyeth Ave 92606 Colony 1 $610,000 4 2268
West Irvine
8/31/12 19 Moonstone 92606 Mandeville $379,000 3 1500
8/31/12 125 Greenmoor 54 92614 Laurels $325,000 2 1080
8/31/12 3 Seadrift 78 92604 Cove $660,000 3 2287
9/1/12 49 E Yale Loop 26 92604 Jefferson $550,000 2 1500
9/4/12 61 Greenfield 68 92614 Alders $302,000 2 1060
9/4/12 7 Bluebird 92604 Creekside $645,000 4 1888
9/5/12 49 Sparrowhawk 92604 Patio Homes (WB) $540,000 4 1662
9/5/12 14 Partridge 92604 Patio Homes (WB) $800,000 4 2200
8/31/12 175 Intrigue 92620 Stonetree $605,000 4 2104

Discuss on Talk Irvine.

Is the Irvine Company’s Rent Equity Program a Good Home Buying Strategy?

Do you want to buy a home in Irvine but aren’t ready to make the deal? If the answer is yes and you are also willing to rent from The Irvine Company (TIC) in the meantime, TIC has a proposal for you: The Irvine Company’s “Renter Equity Program” allows qualified Irvine Company rental residents to accrue up to 10% of their monthly rent toward the purchase of select homes in the following Irvine Pacific neighborhoods:

Laguna Altura


San Marino in Woodbury

Here are more details on the program:

  • Eligible TIC renters are automatically enrolled in the company’s “Renter Equity Program.”
  • During the first year of renting, eligible participants accrue 5% of the monthly rent.
  • During the second year of renting, the credit accrual rates increases to 7% of the monthly rent.
  • During the third year, the credit accrual rates increase to 10% of the monthly rent.
  • The maximum amount of rent equity that can be accrued is $5,000.

So what do you think? Is this a good strategy for buying a home in Irvine? Is it enough to make you choose an Irvine Company rental while you are looking for a home to buy?

Discuss on Talk Irvine.