14 thoughts on “Buy Gold! Blair Applegate of Euro Pacific Capital presents 7:30 Wednesday December 7, 2011

  1. MikeInIrvine

    I’m disappointed to see IHB associating and promoting a retail gold promoter. What does gold sales have to do with housing? Not much, I think.

    The excessive fees, commissions and price fixing are all too well known. These types of ‘investments’ give all investing a bad name because of the self dealing of the promoters.

    1. JDSoCal

      Learn what you are talking about, MikeInIrvine, before you post. Peter Schiff, CEO of EPC, has been a huge critic of rip-off artists like Goldline. He charges among the lowest commissions and does not deal in numismatics (collectibles) and even has free shipping! I doubt Peter is making much money on his gold sales vs. his brokerage. Peter launched Euro Pacific Metals because he thought gold was a good investment, not the other way around.

      Schiff also called the housing crash before most people:


      So yeah, and time Peter speaks about real estate or investing, you should listen.

      1. dilbert dogbert

        Thanks for the information that Peter is a “Sell” side guy. If glod is such a good deal why is he selling?

  2. MikeInIrvine

    Re: JDSoCal

    I quote myself ” What do gold sales have to do with housing? Not much, I think.”

    If Irvine Renter want’s to talk Gold that’s great – there’s no shortage of websites that discuss this at length. Say hi to everyone over at Seeking Alpha for me.

    As for learning what I’m talking about – I have yet to see a Gold denominated ETF charge more in fees and have larger bid/ask spreads then Euro Pacific Capital (what does that name mean anyway?)

    BTW – why are gold bugs so touchy and always insecure about their investments? I don’t get bent out of shape if people say that I shouldn’t have bought all those REIT’s or MLP’s.

    1. IrvineRenter

      Gold has nothing to do with housing. I thought some people might find the presentation on gold interesting. They aren’t paying me to put this on.

      Further, John Paulson who made most of his fortune shorting subprime took most of his profits and put the money into gold related investments.

      1. Ben

        John Paulson also lost his ass on most of his investments this year including Bank of America, Sino Forest (Chinese Fraud), Realogy (overleveraged real estate brokerage LBO), and many others.

        The headline BUY GOLD!! remind me of people pushing stocks during the .com bubble and realtors pushing RE during the housing bubble. Gold is not “safe” when the price is bid up by speculators. I still think highly of you IR, just a little less so than yesterday.

  3. awgee

    I am wondering what Paulson’s losses on Bank of America, Sino Forest, and Realogy have to do with his investments in gold. If anything, wouldn’t his still profitable investment in gold say something positive about gold’s staying power in the last couple of years?

    As far as I know, his fund that invests in gold was not involved with any of his loss investments.

    And I think that his two calls on real estate and gold more than make up for any bad calls, like to the tune of a billion or two, and a few hundred percent.

    I would like to see any of his detractors do better.

    1. so_scared

      from my understanding, Paulson offers one of this main funds denominated in gold. That is part of the reason why he is such a large holder of gld.

      When there are redemptions in that fund, he has to sell his gld to pay the redemptions because the returns are denominated in gold, ala a fund denominated in a currency.

      He didn’t just pile all his investments into gld to make a bet purely on gld. he made a differentiated product offering that forced him to buy gld.

      1. awgee

        My understanding, and please correct me if I am wrong, is that even though he sold some of his gld holdings at a price than was less than his cost, his gold fund(s) are still in the black. If you are an investor, isn’t that what you care about?

  4. Pascal

    Give IHB and Larry a break. No one is being forced to buy gold here. He thought a presentation about gold would be interesting.

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