Larry Roberts, Shevy Akason, and Milaad Forootan are hosting a first-time homebuyer presentation at 6:30 Wednesday, September 28, 2011, at the offices of Intercap Lending (9401 Jeronimo, Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92618).
The venue is a classroom with limited seating, so please RSVP to reserve your place.
The first presentation was well received, and we filled the room to capacity. An attendee had this to say:
Astute Observation by Pascal
I just attended this, though I’m already familiar with the home buying process.
It was great, and I highly encourage anyone who was reluctant to go this time for whatever reason, to attend the next one.
And there will be free cookies.
We will provide bottled water and snacks. We look forward to seeing you there.