IHB: Personal Message from Shevy Akason

Hello, My name is Shevy Akason.

will be working with you as we search for your ideal home. I want you
to be comfortable with the process of buying or selling your home. I
promise to provide you with honorable representation and personal
service. Trust is of ultimate importance when approaching the biggest
transaction of your life. I am committed to earning your trust and
helping to make a sometimes stressful process as comfortable as

We will start by discussing openly and frankly
about whether or not the time is right for you to buy or sell your
home. As Larry mentioned, I encouraged many people not to buy while the
bubble began to deflate and I also encouraged many to sell as I felt
the peak neared. I continue to give advice that many would not expect
from a real estate agent regarding home ownership. It is frustrating to
see hard working; honest people lose their homes to foreclosure. It is
equally disheartening to see those that did everything that they were
told was right by those acting in self interest struggle for years to
sustain ownership as a result of the bubble. The stress that people are
going through and the strain it puts on families is a sad result of the
bubble and the lies that accompanied it. For me as for most, family is
the most important thing, as it should be; I work hard with my clients
to make sure that they understand that owning a home can be a great
thing, but only if the cost of their home still allows them to have
time for their family.

I approach every negotiation I enter
on behalf of my client as if I were negotiating for myself. I often
advise my clients “If I were you….” The advice I provide is my honest
opinion based upon years of real estate education and IHB principles,
and the course of action I recommend is the one I would follow if I
were in your circumstances. My goal is to see you in a comfortable home
you can afford, and you will always get my best effort to that end.

am drawn to the IHB because I share the commitment to excellence and
the desire to educate people that makes the IHB a trusted resource. I
want you to understand the realities of the real estate market,
property negotiation, and the behavior of parties in the transaction.
The more you know, the more empowered you are to make a good decision,
and the more comfortable you will be with the outcome.

Shevy Akason — Ideal Home Brokers


  • Bachelor of Arts – Claremont Mckenna College 2003
  • Real Estate investor since 2004
  • Academic All American (basketball) – NDSCS 2001
  • Associates Degree – NDSCS – Business Administration 2001

a competitive person I enjoy sports, team work, and a challenge. As a
result I have enjoyed real estate ever since I can remember. The recent
bubble was frustrating for me as I know it has been for many others. I
was happy when I started reading Larry’s blog posts and realized that
there were others out there that shared my views.

As a result
of recent bubble that was particularly severe in California as compared
to other areas of the country by 2004 when I was ready to start my real
estate career, I invested in cash flow real estate out of state and
took advantage of the low interest rates by getting 30 year fixed
loans. This allowed me to stay involved with my primary real estate
interest on a small level while I started a construction company with
the hope that what I learned would add value that I could translate
into my real estate career when the time was right.

late 2007 my focus has been real estate and helping people to navigate
through today’s market. I am proud to be associated with Larry Roberts
and the IHB’s values and principles. In addition, I am proud of the
track record and the real estate business that I run. I pride myself on
giving people a clear picture of the market and helping them to feel
comfortable with the biggest decision of their lives while working
through what can be a challenging process. I look forward to working
with Larry provide a valuable alternative to the average residential
real estate company.

you again for sticking with us through these introductory emails. You
should have a good idea of the kind of people we are. We look forward
to working with you.


Shevy Akason

When you are ready…
